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Department of Anthropology
Durham University
Dawson Building
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE

Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 1601
Fax: +44 (0) 191 334 1614
[email protected]

Last updated
15th January 2021


Dr Sam Williams
Research Coordinator- Primate & Predator Project    
Dr Kate Nowak
Risk, fear and cognition in samango monkeys
COFUND International Research Fellowship

Research Staff

Katy Standish
Field Team Leader – Mammal Conservation in South Africa
Andy Allan
Primate Coordinator- Primate & Predator Project 

PhD Students

Diana Wiedemann

Seeing red: the role of red colouration in competitive interactions in humans

Durham Academic Scholarship


Andrea Donaldson

Rehabilitation and reintroduction of rescued primates into Coral Rag Forest, Diani Beach, Kenya

Pete Tomlin

The ontogeny of sociality and referential communication in non-human primates

Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Studentship


Leah Findlay

Human-primate conflict in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa

NERC Studentship


Katy Standish

Human-brown hyaena relationships and the use of anthropomorphism as a conservation tool

Durham Faculty Studentship


Alec Ayres

Leopards, baboons and landscapes of fear


Masters by Research

Emily Lake

Activity patterns and behaviour of hyrax in South Africa

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Dr Vivien Kent

Field Team Leader – Mammal Conservation in South Africa



Dr Rebecca Smith

Capacity building in mammal management for Western Cape Nature Reserves

Darwin Initiative Project Grant

Dr Erik Willems

Spatial ecology of vervet monkeys

Anthropology Research Fellowship

Dr Julia Chase Grey

Sources and sinks in leopard population dynamics



PhD Students

Natasha Constant

Social-ecological approach to understanding conflict between leopards and humans in South Africa: implications for leopard conservation and community livelihoods

ESRC/NERC Studentship

Ben Coleman

Predator-prey interactions and vigilance landscapes in samango monkeys in South Africa



Louise de Raad

Travel routes and spatial abilities in wild baboons

Durham University Doctoral Fellowship

Sam Williams (PT)

The impact of land reform in Zimbabwe on the conservation of cheetahs and other large carnivores

Marwell Zimbabwe Trust


Vivien Kent

Status and conservation potential for carnivores outside of the National Park and Reserves, Botswana

ESRC/NERC Studentship


Julia Chase Grey

Leopard population dynamics, sport hunting and conservation in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa

ESRC/NERC Studentship


Erik Willems

From Space to Species: integrating remotely sensed information on primary productivity into investigations and systems models of vervet monkey socioecology

Leverhulme Trust Project Grant

GraduationNapier Award

Masters by Research

Leanne Fitzgerald

Factors influencing leopard occupancy and diet in the Soutpansberg Mountains

Rachel Sassoon

Landscapes of fear and giving-up densities in samango monkeys

Caroline Howlett

Prenatal androgens and their effects on the dominance hierarchy in female non-human primates

Main Supervisor: Rob Barton


Pete Tomlin

Emotional connecting in the UK and Ireland

ONE North East Studentship


Tom Dillon (PT)

Factoring culture and discourse into an appraisal of hte neoliberal synthesis of wildlife conservation and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa

Main Supervisor: Andrew Russell